The Chimp
Q: Where are Bouncies made?
A: Bouncies are handmade in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Germany.
Q: is the paint lead free?
A: Yes. Bouncies adhere to strict European Union guidelines.
Q: How many Bouncies does a store have to buy to get started?
A: For a very small store we recommend four each of 9 different styles. For a larger store (1000 square feet) we recommend four each of 18 styles. For very large stores of 2,500 or more square feet we recommend 6 each of 24 styles. Our most successful stores carry a wide variety at all times. This ensures that the shopper finds a Bouncie to match their interests or those of the recipient.
Q: How many different Bouncies are there?
A: 125 and we add about six to eight new ones each spring.
Q: How does the customer pay?
A: We charge their credit card on the day we ship from our warehouse in Florida. The customer pays UPS ground service charges. We pay for all of the freight charges from Europe to the USA. We do need a copy of the store's resale tax certificate. They can fax or e-mail it to us.
Q: What about terms?
A: We offer terms only to customers who have established a track record with us, or, after about six to nine months and only to stores which have been in existence at least 5 years. And, we need credit references from other suppliers. We do all of this work.
Q: What if a Bouncie arrives damaged?
A: We take great care to ensure that doesn't happen but if it does, we ask that the customer photograph the damage and send us the picture. We then issue them a credit to be used on their next order.
Q: How soon do you ship after an order is placed?
A: By the next day unless we are out of an item, which doesn't happen very often.
Q: As a sales rep, am I handling any money or taking any orders?
A: You're not handling any money. As for orders, the store owner or buyer can place their order through you, or through our web site, or directly with us.
Q: How do I get paid?
A: All accounts are coded with the initials of the sales rep. At the end of each quarter, we simply
run a report in Quickbooks to see what each rep did in that quarter. We take 10% of that amount and we send you a check.
Q: There are some big events which take place near me on a regular basis. What if I wanted to set up a booth and sell Bouncies at retail?
A: You are welcome to do this. You'd just be buying inventory from us at wholesale prices. If you have been working with us already, we allow you to carry a balance as long as that balance does not exceed the total value of your commissions that quarter. We have an entire blog site dedicated to this type of selling. If you're interested, just let us know. |
E-mail: Info@europeanfocus.com
Phone: 941-706-4508 in Sarasota, Florida
I'm interested in selling these at my local market what do I have to have to get started?